Note on World Parliament
02 / 11 / 2002
World Parliament is a centre of mental light, not an organisation that can implement anything. UN itself is a forum of that type, since its power is only in persuasion. In this sense World Parliament is capable of an effectivity which information or ideas possess. World Parliament can enhance INFORMATION in areas where information is efficacious. It can offer ideas that will readily be received. World Parliament can try to further activities which were initiated already, but which have come to a stop or are moving slowly.
The very first thing World Parliament can do is to
- Spotlight what an organisation like UN (which has no power) has achieved in health, education, pollution, science, etc. Comparing it with fields of global activity where no such effort was undertaken by UN.
- Development is in proportion to the extend people become conscious and the level of organization build up to support higher levels of activity. World Parliament can create SCALES (indices) of accomplishment in various fields, similar to the Human Development Index, Freedom Index, etc. Creating scales for these in every field like human rights, health (for every disease), utilization of supportive social systems such as insurance, education (for different categories and levels, and for different expressions of education in society such as education in newspaper reading, education on women's rights, health education, etc.) Such information converted into quantitative scales can become a useful tools for nations to assess their strengths and weaknesses and further their development.
- List out what every nation can usefully emulate from any other nation and develop it into a detailed list.
- The integration of two or more sectors of social activity, organization or technology leads to a multiplication of their productive power, as the combination of computer and telecommunications has given rise to the Internet which integrates multiple functions including news delivery, education, commerce, and entertainment. World Parliament can identify all instances of such integration and emphasize the productive POWER that issues from integration of two or more sectors.
- Sponsor the cause of Internet and computer as the invention which can most dramatically transform society as the car and electricity have done early in the 1900's. Quantifying their potential impact wherever possible, WP can help out bring their potential in a manner so that nations can readily act on that information.
- Fight superstitions of all kinds.
- Terrorism -- Show the destructive value of terrorism. Explain it theoretically. Terrorism arises from the frustration of poverty. Carry out a study covering the past 500 years to show how futile terrorism is as a means of progress for a community.
- Science -- Superstition in the name of Science is more dangerous than illiteracy as it creates an organisation of educated Ignorance.
- Collect two lists of superstitions over the ages and post them against opinions of today on modern development. Disenchant people about ideas and practices based on the superstition of social conformity, such as the prevalent practice that society accepts any scientific theory only when eminent men approve of it.
- Medicine, Democracy, Education and every other field is replete with such bygone ideas that are anachronisms which retard further development.
- Highlight the fact that UN is non-democratic.
- Examine and highlight the unconsciousness of society about the crucial role of social organization in development and its contribution to past achievements. For example, after achieving phenomenal success during Green Revolution, India fails to understand the crucial role which social organization played in that achievement and therefore is unable to extend that success to other fields. Evaluate every country, every sector globally and nationally on the scale of organisation.
- Objectively and dispassionately examine the role of co-operation, imitation, emulation, help and service in development to identify its rightful, constructive role when free from our preferences, conventional beliefs and dogmas:
- In which fields and to what extent does aid, imitation, humanitarian service actually result in or assist development? To what extent and in what ways does it undermine or short-circuit the development process?
- As in any other field there are unexplored areas under each head, positive roles and negative impacts. Do a historical study of facts. Do not take for granted that either service is of value or that each one should stand on his own legs without external support. Let it be a factual study.
- Study the scope of economic cooperation between adjoining states and their value to defuse conflicts.
- Study and quantify how much poor nations can benefit by ORGANISATION.
- Approach each problem of the world to identify information and ideas that can readily be of direct use.
- Create an imaginary MODEL in one country on a small scale of about million people, a model to show the immediate possibilities for accelerating development by providing information and enhancing organization. Document the process to illustrate the difference between Before and After.
- Assess the unutilised excess of social organisational potential which has little change of being drawn upon hereafter and show the great potential. One non-usable potential is Diana's work and popularity. The Internet has brought out such a potential of the universities for the neo-literate and adult education. Value of physical exercise on health is one. The great power of education as well as affluence on eliminating violence can thus be explained.
- There are at least 100 potent new educational methods available over 50 or 100 years to which the world is blind. Emancipate education from the shackles of reactionary conservatism on the theoretical front.
- Save democracy from the slave mentality that pervades all existing fields. Plead strongly for the removal of monarchist anachronisms by providing a long list of examples.
- Show the great potentials of backward nations and the deep reactionary mentality of modern nations. Exhaust the list.
- Examine the immediate possibility of making graduation the compulsory minimum education if military expenditure is abolished and all the existing potentials of national material resources, especially organisational resources, are fully utilised.
- Plead for the Century of the liberated INDIVIDUAL and show he can abolish all the problems himself when freed.
When World Parliament finalises a list of recommendations, it should endeavour to address ALL the Parliaments of the world through its delegations SIMULTANEOUSLY.